Businesses must rise to the challenge of communicating
face mask mandates without angst.
By Roy Harryman
Principal, Roy Harryman Marketing Communications
Communicating mask mandates is a real challenge for businesses of all sizes. The best I’ve seen is Planet Fitness, which created the term “social fitnessing” and asks its members to be “cleansiderate.” It’s positive and upbeat (though still a mandate).
On the less-upbeat side, many storefront mask notices have the warmth of the DMV and post office, with horribly conceived “Masks required!” signs created in Microsoft Word with clip art. People are already on edge and these signs are a reflection of our brand, like it or not.
I am noticing some stores have managed to work humor into this equation, which is welcome. Exclamation marks are generally not appreciated (“Wear a mask!”) unless someone just won the lottery. “Please” and “thank you” are also nice touches.
Of course, signs are limited in their ability to communicate and the real test of communication will come when an employee addresses a customer who is not wearing a mask. Can this be done with tact? Absolutely. Will it be? Good question.
What are the “greatest hits” and misses in your experience?