It’s often said that you should never meet your heroes. Inevitably, when we get close enough, we find that they disappoint. But perhaps we shouldn’t place them on pedestals they were never willingly climb upon. And what if the real heroes were a lot closer than we think?
The Must of Building Trust
I’m not an easy audience member to win over. As a card-carrying member of Generation X, I’m always on the lookout for posers, narcissists and empty suits. But Joel Goldberg, a Royals reporter, author and speaker, caused me to (temporarily) trash my cynical paradigm with his presentation on Building Trust. How did he convert me?
Clear, courteous, humorous ... and rare
This sign is the gold standard in notices about public facilities. It addresses the problem in a forthright but humorous way and redirects shoppers to an alternative method of transportation. It treats people like … well, people! So often these communiques read like terse bureaucratic notes from a cranky Nanny. Good show Network Rail!
AI makes a great assistant, but don't promote it to manager
In marketing, bring the drama
It’s shocking how often marketers don’t use their secret weapon. And what is that? Storytelling. But not just any story. As brand communicators we must be telling dynamic stories about how our products and services solve thorny problems for real people. No matter our industry, people’s problems are real. But instead of writing a real-life page turner, brands usually devolve into sharing indecipherable corporate gobbledygook that no one will ever read. Ready for a change?